Lionel # 35247 NYC Baggage & Dinner 2-Pack
Celebrating the Grand Central Terminal Centennial in 2013 - one of New York City’s most famous landmarks Die-cast metal trucks and operating couplers Authentically detailed interiors Interior illumination in diner car Flexible diaphragms between cars Opening doors PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Rail Line: New York Central Gauge: Traditional O Gauge Brand: Lionel...
Celebrating the Grand Central Terminal Centennial in 2013 - one of New York City’s most famous landmarks
- Die-cast metal trucks and operating couplers
- Authentically detailed interiors
- Interior illumination in diner car
- Flexible diaphragms between cars
- Opening doors
- Rail Line: New York Central
- Gauge: Traditional O Gauge
- Brand: Lionel
- Min Curve: O-27
- Dimensions: Length: 13” ea.