Lionel # 29979 Angela Trotta Thomas "Christmas Morning" BoxCar


  For more than 20 years, Angela Trotta Thomas has captured the love and nostalgia of Lionel trains in her beautiful artwork. Lionel continues to return the honor by commemorating her work on collectible cars and accessories.   Die-cast metal sprung trucks and operating couplers Metal frame Opening doors  ...


For more than 20 years, Angela Trotta Thomas has captured the love and nostalgia of Lionel trains in her beautiful artwork. Lionel continues to return the honor by commemorating her work on collectible cars and accessories.


  • Die-cast metal sprung trucks and operating couplers
  • Metal frame
  • Opening doors



      • Gauge: O Gauge

      • Brand: Lionel
      • Min Curve: O27
      • Dimensions: Length: 10 1/2"